4.17 The Police are After Me

Hello dear friends! Welcome back to a new chapter! In the middle of writing this, I had a serious scare with my PC in which I was CONVINCED I had lost everything. In reality, I was freaking out for no reason. My grandpa came in and saved the day. I am now backing up my entire file onto and external hard drive because what would I even do if I lost these guys?? The last file I had was when Link was still a teen! Anyways, rant over. Everything was fine and I am a crazy person.

CHAPTER 16 RECAP: Sarah gave birth to Waylon, the last of Gen 5. Sasha met Sebastian, her now boyfriend. The kids went to prom, Dixie aged into an elder, and Willow aged into a toddler. Yay!

Sarah: Great update. Don’t mind me, I’m just going to take a stroll.


A stroll to where?


Sarah: Right here.

Oh. Of course.


Willow: I am so cute and adorable. You love me!


She’s not wrong.


Link: A newborn baby? Wow! Can we have another one?

Can you PLEASE just spend time with this one first??


Since poor Zackary was kinda left in the dust in the date department, I sent him to the matchmaker. She sucked. The only single girl in town was a left over Face 1. No thanks.


Sooo, I improvised! This is Narcisa GilsCarbo. (She used to be Silvia but for obvious reasons I changed it).


She was cute before a makeover. But she’s even cuter now.


Don’t look now, someones dying behind you.

Narcisa: Dying huh? Sad.


You don’t seem very sad.

She didn’t even look back. She must be really into Zack.


Narcisa: I am SO happy right now.

Zack: Are you sure she ins’t evil?

Uhhh, nope. So what if she is? Your own mother is evil!


Zack: Uhhhhh… nice skirt?

Narcisa: Thanks!


Then she walks away?

Zack: Thank God, I need to pee.


Oh, she just had to go outside to check out the Grim. Understandable.


Grim: *Claws at eyes*


Wtf is wrong with you?





You okay?



Narcisa: He’s pretty weird, right?

Grim: I hate you all! You judgmental bitches!

And in a poof of black smoke (or was that a fart?) he disappeared to the Nether.


Narcisa: It is a beautiful day to die though, isn’t it?

Zack: Uh, I guess so?


Narcisa: Sometimes I feel someone watching me. Don’t worry though, I think it’s just the FBI. They’re checking me out to see if I would make a good agent.

Zack: Huh. That sounds cool.

Narcisa: I haven’t heard back yet, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be accepted. After high school, obviously.


Zack: My favorite color is lilac!


Narcisa: My favorite color is purple. Those colors TOTALLY go together!


Also, that is Betty Lopez in the background. I have no idea why she is singed.


Zack: You play the drums? I play the guitar! We could be in a band!

Narcisa: Hah, totally! That would be an awesome band.


Zack: I am so happy.

Narcisa: What’s that hand motion exactly?


Sarah looks so sweet and relaxed here, but keep in mind she is happily bathing while her 2 kids are screaming for attention upstairs. GO BE A GOOD MOM!

Sarah: Shhh, the can wait.


*GASP* One of the twins is acknowledging their little sister?

Sasha: Someone had to feed the poor thing.


Narcisa: I do have a boyfriend! His name is-


Police officer: HEY! You! Yea, you Lemons kid! Get in the car, you’r breaking curfew!

Zack: What about her? She’s a teenager too?

Police officer: I don’t give a crap about her. I’m here for you, loser.


Narcisa: LOL! Sorry Zack. I’ll see you later!


Zack: This is bologna.


Sarah: Where does he think he is going?

To live in the woods, probably.


He didn’t make it to the woods.

Sarah: What is UP with you kids? Can you not just come home before 11? I have shit to do! I don’t want to sit by the door when the police call to scold you!


Zack: Then don’t?



Zack: That makes no sense!

You’ll understand when you’re a parent.


Zack: Urgh, I’m just trying to get a girlfriend, dangit.


Awh, look at the annoying turds scream in unison!


Sarah: How annoying. Can I have more?

YOU ARE JOKING! Sarah and Link NEVER rolled wants for kids until the were more than halfway through their adult lifestage. Now they want 20 kids. NO MORE KIDS!


Link: Can you say ‘potty’?

Willow: I can say ‘potty monster’. I will one day control said monster… One day…

Link: Good job cutie!


When your mom grounded you, is this what she meant?

Zack: I’m still in the house aren’t I?


Zack: Are you a light bulb? Because you’re lighting up my life!

Narcisa: That pick up line was such garbage, but you’re so cute!


LOL. Me when I look at my boyfriend. Ahahaha!


Zack: You smell like beautiful flowers! Can we date?


Narcisa: Who cares about dating, just kiss me!

Zack: This isn’t going to end well.


Narcisa melted his face, apparently.


Zack: Since we kissed now, do you think you could break up with your boyfriend?

Narcisa: I guess I could.


Zack: I was just thinking we could, ya know, date now.


Narcisa: I guess that makes sense. I’ll break up with him!

Then she left and got a new boyfriend. LOL! Dangit.


Sasha: Helloooooo! Zack is getting a lot more attention than me! I’m here too!

Sasha’s boyfriend aged up. That means he’s 8 days older than her. I’m not sure if I knew that and didn’t care or if I didn’t realize. Either way, he’s too old. So I had her accept a date offer.


Jimmy: Slowly starving.

This is Jimmy Middleton! I’m pretty sure he is purple girl’s brother. Don’t quote me on that, though. Anyway’s, he’s pretty cute.


Jimmy: Why would we go on a date to the pool in the fall?

Sasha: Hey man, you invited me here.


Sasha: Our signs are compatible! Cool!

Jimmy: Uh, nice hand gesture?

The twins are too alike. I’m freaked out.


Sasha: Heh… yea.

Gawd you are so awkward, why do people invite you on dates??


Okay, I guess you’re pretty cute together. Jimmy has a girlfriend (go figure, story progression leaves NO ONE behind). Well, Sasha also has a boyfriend. I should probably have her break up with him.


Willow: My sister is a cheating scumbag!

I don’t think her adult boyfriend who has a full time job and a house is too interested in her to be honest.


Willow: I just wanted to remind you that I’m here. Just being the cutest kid of this generation and such.

I’ll let the readers decide that.


Link: Since I taught your brother how to drive, I thought you would probably want to learn too. You wanna go?


Sasha: DAD. Since when do you care about my happiness?

Someone’s still salty about getting yelled at.


Link: Wtf? You forgave your mom! She’s the one who grounded you!

Sasha: Whatever dad. Don’t blame other people for your faults.

Link: This is such bullshit. Put the baby down and get in the car.

And so she did.


Zack: I am about damn tired of the police in this town.


Narcisa: They couldn’t have waited until after we finished eating?

Once again, Zack was interrupted before he could claim his girl.


Sarah: I just… *sigh*. Just go to bed.

Zack: Yea okay.


Sarah: At least I have you Dixie.

Don’t act like she is well behaved. This asshole spends all of her time crying for attention. I mean literally ALL of her time.


Willow: Can I age up already?

YES. PLEASE. Willow has learned all of her skills, mastered the xylophone and the blocks, she’s even read all of the toddler books in the house. I’ve never seen a more proficient toddler. And her traits are Excitable and Evil. Waylon is the Genius.

Willow: We will see how smart he is.


Link: I am the MAAASTER!


Link: No seriously. I mastered the Director’s career.

Lincoln finished his LTW 3 days before he aged into an elder. Yay! I’m proud of you.

This is where I’m ending this chapter. Just so you guys know, I’m planning on having the heir poll up by Wednesday of next week. I’m going on vacation until Sunday the 5th, when I will close the poll and announce the winner. Then it will either be on with the next Generation, if one of the twins are chosen! If one of the younger kids are chosen, we will still be on Gen 4 until the age into a young adult.

But yay! We are almost there! It’s been exactly 2 months since the beginning of this Generation! That’s crazy considering the 3rd Gen took me 10 months! That’s including a 5 month hiatus through holiday season.

Okay, I’m done talking. Next chapter will be out by Friday! I’m not sure if it will be the last chapter before the heir poll, or the second to last. We will see!

6 thoughts on “4.17 The Police are After Me

  1. Almost half way there! I remember the excitement.. My save is don’t with generation 9. Just have to finish the posts. I almost creamed when my potential heirs for generation 10 aged up…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL! I’m so excited. Everything is working out great, even the poll for this generation is timed perfectly because I’ll be out of town and therefore won’t be upset that I can’t play! It’s great. Can’t wait to read the rest of the Crowns. Do you think you’ll start a new legacy when you’re done?


      1. That last message had so many typos… To answer the question, I’ve asked myself this over and over. I honestly never thought I’d make it to my last generation and now, I can’t see me leaving the Crowns behind!

        I have an ISBI already and a BMTL. Randomacy never interested me and I want to do the apocalypse challenge but too many rules!

        I could scrap my current ISBI as I’m not really into it and start a Crown one using a generation 11 baby. Or Aria.. I like her.

        All that too say… Probably.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Awesome. I also cannot imagine leaving the Lemons. It’s just crazy, like we’ve spent so much time on these families. I can’t just abandon them now! I didn’t know you had other running challenges! I’ll have to go check them out

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